Can i trust you? Warranty exchanger.
If you are making an exchange for the first time, then you may have a legitimate question - "Can I trust this exchanger?"
Dear users! This site is designed to provide quality currency exchange services. To check any site on the Internet, first of all, it is advisable to fill in the Google search phrase in this way - "Site name - reviews." In our case, it is "60sek reviews". Thus, you can verify the reputation of any site. Google indexes pages almost every hour, and if the reputation of any site is tarnished with negative reviews from living people, then you will immediately see the result and draw conclusions whether to trust the Internet resource. Our exchange service site is trustworthy and this is confirmed by the absence of negative recommendations and reviews, but there are only positive ones.
On a special page of our website “Guarantees” (a new browser window opens upon clicking) a large list of reputable portals, forums and monitoring exchangers is presented, where each has our section and feedback on the work and our decency towards our customers. Thank you for your trust and cooperation. If you want to talk with the operator and ask additional questions about the exchange, then in the right corner of the site there is an Online chat tab - click on it, it will open and you can start the dialogue. We work for you around the clock and look forward to your requests!